I told you yesterday how hubby and I ran to Paige’s Pit Stop and a new to us farm store. Well super cute is what I have to say. We bought a few items from the new to us farm store, pork wine cheese being one of them. How cool is that? Who doesn’t love pork wine cheese. This was an adorable little farm store. Farms around here have these cute farm stores they place on their property for people to just stop by and buy items from them. They usually are on the honor system meaning you total up what you bought either pay cash or check and go home with all your treasures. I love it! No pressure and how things used to be. I hope it stays that way because the thought of going to Walmart shopping, or any store really, that has tons of people with attitudes bumping into you doesn’t sound like fun to me. I mean who wouldn’t want to shop when you have views like this?

They had a great selection of foods including cream from South Mountain Creamery. We plan to take a trip to the creamery later this Spring but I just love the old fashion glass bottles.

They also have a CSA program (Community Supported Agriculture).
So if you happen to be looking for a new to you farm stand, try out Spring House Farm you wont be disappointed.
Spring House Farm and Farm Store
16848 Hamilton Station Rd
Hamilton VA 20158