Good morning all,

Well throwing out a question to you to see if anybody else is like me. Do you like your frig stocked to the brim or more on the empty side like I do? I know it’s crazy but I love seeing my refrigerator empty. We keep most of our food in the freezer, freeze dried or canned so when I see my frig almost empty I smile. I love it because I know I am not wasting food. There is so much waste out there but I dont think people see it. I usually will have some leftovers from the day before that we will eat for breakfast, lunch or even dinner plus some condiments but for the most part the frig is bare, unless I have some fruit and veggies from the garden in the drawers. But starting the new year after the Holiday’s is another story in itself.
As I looked back on the Thanksgiving and Christmas with all the company we had and all the family that stayed over, I was wondering if we could have done things a bit different and saved money over spend it on items that just ended up in compost or given to the chickens. Hubby always says the Holiday’s are about good food and family, but does the good foods have to be so much? Can’t we just have one dessert and not five? Plus when everybody else brings stuff it just fills up the frig and nobody takes any items back home with them. Let me give you some examples.
My MIL doesn’t like cream or even almond milk for her coffee, which is perfectly fine. She always brings a small container of skim milk or milk for her coffee. I dont care but when they leave they leave not only all the food leftovers they brought for the dinners but the container of skim milk. I dont normally drink shim milk but wont let it go to waste so I use it up. I addition to that, my SIL and some of her family, needs to eat gluten free. She always makes the foods that her family loves and brings tons of items to share. this year we had a lot of different dishes of stuffing, creamed corn, mashed potatoes, 2 containers of gravy, rolls, bacon Brussels sprouts, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, tons of different gluten free breads, snacks, crackers, and many desserts and chocolates. I mean tons of food. Most of it was not touched for days. I usually make a cheesecake but decided this year to make mini ones. Not one person touched them because there was 5 other dessert options including a huge apple cake my neighbor brought over to us. I did freeze the cheesecakes for later so that was fine but hubby ended up eating the whole apple cake. Hummmm. Not the best diet at all. Having one or two days of treats is one thing ,but with all that stuff in the house it was like a 2 week feeding frenzy and I didn’t like it.

This year I think I am going to change things up. I plan to make sure I know exactly what people will be bringing and only make a few things so we aren’t living off of pies and cakes for two weeks. Not healthy!
So now that 2 weeks are under our belts and we have finally gotten the frig back close to where I like it, the question to posed. How many of you like it empty or full?