This week was another trial and error. Mostly because hubby and I felt like we needed to stock up a bit with the stores starting to look empty. We did ok money wise but ended up at the regualar stores and not the farm store like I would have hoped for. I knew this year would be a year of “working on it” so I am not trying to be so hard one myself. Just working towards the goal of Farm to Table 365. The main want is to stick to the food budget of $200 monthly.
So how did we do for the first week in February?

Aldi – $20.29,Costco – $54.65, Giant – $55.44
Total’s: $130.38
- Week #1 = $130.38
- Week #2 = $
- Week #3 = $
- Week #4 = $
Total spent this month so far = $130.38
January total = $440.32
Here are a few meals I made last week:
- White chicken lasagna x 2
- Cheeseburgers x 2
- Steak
- Egg role in a bowl
- Leftovers

How did you do this week?