We haven’t really ever worked on a fall garden but last year I decided we should give it a shot. We live in an area at the base of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia. Being at the base of a mountain we typically have a bit of different weather, even within 20 miles from us. Storms can roll right over us or we will get hit by snow, frost, rain or whatever while the rest of the area is dry. With this highly volatile weather, it makes gardening a bit of a challenge. But I wanted to give a Fall garden a chance so I planted 3 farm rows of carrots. We have two garden areas, one is a beautiful Potager garden and the other is a big 60’x60′ Market garden. I planted the carrots in our Market garden to see if I could get any before the elements took over.

Well we got busy with the Holidays and while the carrot patch was in the back of my mind all the time, I did nothing but check on them a few times. I planted 3 different types of long term storage types (sorry I dont have the kinds) just to be sure I would have some thing. After leaving them on their own through the fall and into the winter with snow with multiple frosts, I decided to do something. Sitting on the couch watching Youtube videos on gardening one day, I jumped up and said I wonder if there are still any carrots to be harvested. I thought it was such a waste for me to have spent the money on seeds and the time to plant them and not even try to harvest. So I went out in the cold for 2 half hours and dug up 2 rows (third one didn’t make it) of carrots. Wow low and behold some made it. One row had 2/3rds to harvest and the other only 1/2 row. I figured that was better than nothing so digging I went. They were small and close together, as I never thinned them out, but I got a good bit of small to medium carrots to use for food. I was super happy and know now I need to sow the seeds earlier in the season to get bigger carrots. Then I should have a bumper crop. Especially sense they seem to be so forgiving and hardy even through the cold.
I also decided to try an experiment. I took the very small carrots and transplanted them to pots that I placed in my family room. My family room has mostly all windows and we have a wood burning stove so it stays warm and gets lots of sun. We will see if I can grow a few more before Spring. If not, no biggy but if I can that would be great.
Sense I got a bee in my bonnet, I also transplanted green onion and planted 4 lettuce seeds. Again I dont know if they will grow but its worth a try sense I am craving salads these days:)

Have you had a Fall garden? Have you tried to grow produce inside the house? Curious mind would like to know!