Paige’s Pit Stop

On Tuesday, hubby and I decided to run to one of our local farm shops, Paige’s Pit Stop. We have been here a few times in the past but now will be making this one of our main stops on our Farm to Table 365 adventure this year. We really didn’t need much of anything, except for cream, but bought a bunch of stuff anyway. My food budget this year is $300 monthly buying local only. We actually stopped by two Farm stores that day, but will post about the other one next week. Super cute.
We called to make sure they were open because the last time I drove by they were closed. During the winter season even for farm store things slow down and they take some well needed time off. Paige lives right next door to the Farm store and has place a sign on the front door for Winter, that all you need to do is call her if she is not there and she will walk right over. How convenient is that?
Paige’s carries Local Meats, Local Honey, Fresh Fruit, Fresh Veggies, Baked Goods, Pies, Pot Pies, Jams, Pickles, Salsa, Soup mixes, Honey sticks, Ice cream, Cheeses, Cream, Chips, Queso, Seasonal Items, like Pumpkins and Christmas and tons more, including a few none local items.

Hubby and I got to spend about 30 minute’s talking with Paige all about whhat she had in the store. Can you believe she even carries coffee from a local vendor? As I looked around, and I mean I really looked at everything, so I knew what she carried for future visit’s. Hubby said I really think we can do this Farm to Table 365. She carries most everything we need.
I mean it’s January and she even had some fruit and veggies still. I will end up going back for apples and cream next week:)
So if you are in the area and want a full range of wonderful Local foods from Farms around Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, Pennsylvania then Paige has what you are looking for. And yes all these States are Local around here.
Paige’s Pit Stop = 39810 Charles Town Pike Waterford, VA 20197