Well a week has pasted and hubby and I have sat down and worked on our goals for this coming year of 2022. The first week in January is always a vacation to me. I love the peace after all the Holiday’s and the freshness of the new year. We pack up Christmas gave the house a good once over cleaning and sit down to reflect on the past year while we jot down new goals for the new year. This will be an exciting year with all we have to look forward to and projects big and small we have planned. We put a lot down on our lists, so this will be a big undertaking but we are up for the Challenge. I get inspired each year with my favorite 3 blogs/you-tubers (The Prudent Homemaker, The Elliot Homestead, and One hundred dollar a month). These ladies are incredible, down to earth, make things beautiful, don’t spend ton of money and are family oriented! Just the type of people I love. So after reading and watching some ideas, Hubby and I are set to ring in the new year with goals. Like these ladies say we like the word Goals around here not new years resolutions. I am not trying to change and bad habit of the past but looking to the future for items to challenge me and project to accomplish. This truly will be an exciting year and I hope you come along with me on our journey.
I have broken down our goals in sections. We may or may not get all this done this year but it’s something to strive for. So here is the list and I hope it will give you ideas as well and some inspiration.
1. Finish powder room remodel
2. DD bathroom remodel
3. Wood shelves in DD bathroom and hall closet
4. Paint master bedroom, remove all trim and fix ceiling (where hubby fell through one day, lol)
5. Laundry room remodel
6. Repaint front porch swing, porch steps and stain front porch
7. New 3-car carriage garage
8. Finish basement ceiling trim, door trim and add blinds to windows
9. Remake basement walkout
10. Frame basement closet for Holiday decor
11. Replace front foyer window and add new trim
12. Work on library ceiling and put up chandelier
Farm & Garden:
1. Finish fencing in pasture
2. Brick line the Potager garden
3. 3-board fence around the garden
4. 3-board fence around the chicken coop
5. Fix all the chicken coop doors and repaint
6. Finish the grape trellis
7. Remove all grass in the Potager garden
8. Tweak the market garden
9. Add new pumpkin patch and end of the field
10. Build new garden gate
11. Rebuild the Snoopy house (small chicken coop for nesting momma’s)
12. Make or buy garden markers
Other categories:
12 Things I want to buy
12 – 24 New recipes
12-24 Books read or listen to on tape
12-24 New places to visit or explore
I will be posting Monday-Friday. Monday typically will be what I spent the week before at the farm markets for food and what I prepared for some meals. Friday I will re-post my goals with updates on how we are doing. Tuesday-Thursday will be a combo of visiting new places, ideas of new books, new recipes, projects we are working on, or maybe even holiday fun.
Ok here we go!